An honorable quest: WWII dive bomber seeks to salute late comrade with Medal of Honor

With eyes burning blue as a gas flame, George Walsh stares into an over-size computer monitor, checking out the latest statistics for his blog about a World War II dive bomber, the late Wade McClusky. At 93, Walsh claims to be the oldest blogger on the Internet. Continue reading

Healing Newtown: Mother carries message of love left by late son

Jesse Lewis left a message for his family that remains a driving force in his mother’s life as she moves to bring compassion into public school curriculum. The 6-year-old’s prophetic message? Nurturing Healing Love. Continue reading

Healing Newtown: How humanity’s worst brought out its best

 Mary Hamilton stares at a treasure map. Somewhere within its maze of dotted lines and obstacles lies the treasure. But it’s not gold or dollars or even notoriety that lurks within its riddle. It’s a glimpse into the mind of a child. A child traumatized by the events at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012.

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From Time to tanks to the town, Coyle leaves his mark

“You sir, amaze me, in that in the middle of your loss you can reach out and help our wounded heroes. It is people such as yourself, who make these selfless acts, that overwhelm me and frankly, brings tears to my eyes.”

The words of Tweed Fox, co-founder of the Wounded Marine Fund, speak volumes to the character of long-time Darien resident and retired Marine Gene Coyle. People who know Coyle speak of an even-tempered man who approaches problems with a pragmatism reflective of the time and place he grew up — in the Bronx during the Great Depression. Continue reading

Water Worlds: An inside look at the water treatment process

Have you ever wondered where Darien gets its water, and what the treatment process is like? Each year, Aquarion provides residents connected to public water with a water quality report, but The Darien Times decided to take a look at what happens from the time water falls from the sky to when it pours from the tap.

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The return of the record: Johnny’s vinyl haven still going strong

The sign in Johnny’s store window read “Going Out of Business,” and it seemed as though this record shop was on the path of obsolescence carved out by MP3s and iTunes — a path laden with other record store casualties, remnants of what some were calling a bygone era. Continue reading